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Grace Jackson joined Hargrave Family Law while experiencing a divorce and custody battle firsthand. This inspired her to join an integral family law firm that helps bridge the gap between devastation and new beginnings. She comes to our team with prior administrative experience in a law office setting and now serves our legal team as a Legal Assistant.

Grace is currently working toward her Paralegal certification and aspires to continue her education in legal studies to best support people during their journey through stressful family law matters. Grace approaches her job at Hargrave Family Law with skill, integrity and empathy, focusing on helping our clients work toward resolution.

Outside of the office, Grace shares precious moments with her sprouting young daughter. Together, they read copious amounts of books, write music and explore the great city of Dallas.

“I feel so privileged to work with such a brilliant team of legal professionals. Coming to work in the morning is actually one of the highlights of my day.”