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The Cost of Divorce

The cost of divorce can be prohibitive. Click through to find tips on keeping divorce costs to a minimum from four experienced Dallas lawyers.

Family Law Matters: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Not all family law matters are resolved in courts. Click through to learn about alternative dispute resolutions from divorce attorney, Jennifer Hargrave.

Should Business Owners Consider a Prenup?

The common understanding of marriage has undergone some changes as society evolves and the very nature of the...

Preparing for an Empty Nest Divorce

Kids off to college, are you ready for an empty nest divorce? Texas divorce attorney, Jennifer Hargrave has a few pointers.

The divorce process can feel overwhelming. However, with the right team and professional guidance, you can develop a plan that fits your situation and moves you toward your goals. In our “Divorce in Texas” section you’ll find posts on the following topics:

Navigating Health Insurance for Your Children Post-Divorce

Navigating Health Insurance for Your Children Post-Divorce

When it comes to ensuring the well-being of your children, health and dental insurance are essential aspects of their care. If you’re currently paying child support, you might wonder how to handle health and dental insurance for your children. In this article,...

Should You Seek Ownership of the Family Home in a Divorce?

Should You Seek Ownership of the Family Home in a Divorce?

After years of living in the same home and growing accustomed to your surroundings within the community, the thought of parting with a home during divorce may seem daunting. While you might be perfectly content with staying in the home, some circumstances in life may...

How To Divorce A High Conflict Person Without High Conflict

How To Divorce A High Conflict Person Without High Conflict

It is very difficult to be married to somebody who has a high conflict personality. As a divorce attorney, Abby Ewing knows how destructive high conflict personalities can be on family relationships. She is experienced in dealing with high conflict personalities in divorce.

Myths Around ‘Collaborative Divorce’ w/ Camille Milner

Myths Around ‘Collaborative Divorce’ w/ Camille Milner

One of the great things about being a collaborative divorce attorney is getting to work with other fabulous divorce attorneys who are also committed to helping families find resolution in non-traditional, non-litigation ways. It is such a privilege to welcome Camille Milner. Camille is the owner of Camille Milner Law Firm which is located in Denton, and she practices in the Denton and surrounding counties. Camille was on the The Jennifer Hargrave Show to discuss Collaborative Divorce.

How Much Will My Divorce Cost?

How Much Will My Divorce Cost?

How much will my divorce cost?  This is one of our most frequently asked questions.  Of course, in true lawyer fashion, our answer often begins with “it depends…”.  Most people are asking about the financial costs, but there are other costs to consider as well –the...

How Much Will My Divorce Cost?

How Much Will My Divorce Cost?

How much will my divorce cost?  This is one of our most frequently asked questions.  Of course, in true lawyer fashion, our answer often begins with “it depends…”.  Most people are asking about the financial costs, but there are other costs to consider as well –the...

Resolving Divorce Amicably: Marital Settlement Agreements

Resolving Divorce Amicably: Marital Settlement Agreements

Divorce can be an emotionally challenging and financially burdensome process, especially if it is contentious. Contentious divorces often lead to prolonged court battles, increased stress, and substantial legal fees. At Hargrave Family Law, we believe in providing our...