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Pumpkin Pie

I realize that the rest of the world is not quite as fond of pumpkin pie as we are in my household.  And I understand why – the rest of the world does not have Nola Ruth’s recipe for pumpkin pie.

I’ve been eating Nola Ruth’s pumpkin pie for as long as I can remember.  We would have pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.  And also, we would have pumpkin pie for my dad’s birthday in October, for Christmas, and any time we would go to my grandma’s house.  On Thanksgiving, my family sends pictures of our pumpkin pies to each other, acknowledging how blessed we are to share in the best pumpkin pie recipe in the world.

Nola Ruth is my great grandmother.  While I was fortunate to meet some of my great-grandparents, I never met her as she had died years before I was born.  Yet, when I make pumpkin pie, I feel connected to her and to our family.  She was from Terrell, Texas (so I do have Texas roots, even though I was born in California).  She was divorced before she married my grandfather (no doubt, part of my interest and passion about divorce work).  And she owned her own business in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

My grandmother (her daughter) would talk about how Nola Ruth would just go in the kitchen and cook – without recipes.  Fortunately, my grandmother learned her recipes and made sure to write them down.  I received my copy of the recipe when I got married, and my cousin and aunt gave me a recipe book with the handwritten pumpkin pie recipe.

I hope during this holiday season, you feel blessed by family traditions.  What traditions connect you with your past?  And if you happen to enjoy this pumpkin pie recipe, let us know.

pumpkin pie recipe for 3 pies by Nola Ruth delicious pumpkin pie


(Makes 3 Pies)

1 Large Can Pumpkin (we use Libby’s 100% pure pumpkin – 29 oz can)

1 Stick of Butter

3 ¾ cups of Sugar

3 ½ teaspoons of Cinnamon

3 teaspoons of Nutmeg

1 teaspoon Allspice

3 teaspoons Vanilla

½ teaspoon of Lemon Extract

2 cans Evaporated Milk

9 eggs – well beaten

In a skillet, melt butter.  Add pumpkin and cook the pumpkin in the stick of butter (about 5 minutes or so).  Stir often.  Transfer pumpkin to a large bowl.  Add remaining ingredients starting with sugar, ending with eggs.  Mix well.

Pour mixture into 3 unbaked pie shells.  Bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes; reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake approximately 45 minutes.  (pies will puff up during the baking).