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Clearing Up Some Misconceptions About Divorce

As a divorce lawyer, I often run into the same three common myths about divorce and I’d like to talk about them today.

Myth One: Divorce is an easy way out

People often think that divorce is the easy option. They think that people who get a divorce don’t value family or marriage. But I’ve been working with divorcing clients for 15 years, and I can tell you that this has never been the case. They only arrived at the decision to end their marriage after trying everything they could to make their marriage work. That decision to divorce is never an easy one, and it took my clients every ounce of courage they had to bring an end to this painful chapter of their lives.

Myth Two: Divorce will destroy your family

The second myth about divorce is that it will destroy your family. But it’s not the divorce process that destroys families – it is conflict that destroys them. And you don’t have to be divorced to have conflict in your family. Living in a household where there are constant arguments and bad feeling takes a tremendous toll on adults and children alike.

Look, divorce isn’t easy. We do everything we can to help our clients transition through the divorce process without making it more difficult than it needs to be.

Myth Three: Divorce means you’ve failed

The third of the common myths about divorce is that divorce means you’ve failed. Just because your marriage is ending doesn’t mean you are a failure. Marriages end for all kinds of reasons, just like other things in life. And just because your marriage is ending doesn’t mean your life is ending. Divorce gives you a chance at a new beginning. My clients go on to accomplish remarkable things in their second chapter. They find love. They find happiness, and they find peace.

At Hargrave Family Law, we know the decision to divorce is a weighty one. If you or someone you know is carrying the weight of this decision, you don’t have to struggle alone. Contact us today!

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