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I am getting ready to…

“I am getting ready to…” is a phrase I often hear in my own head. Maybe I’m thinking about that diet I was supposed to start in January, or the difficult conversation I need to have with a colleague. These five words give me permission to AVOID the hard thing I don’t want to do. I find it easy to hide out in the busyness of “getting ready.” Does this sound familiar to you?

We often hear a lot of talk a lot about “getting ready” for a divorce. The truth is…

There never really is a time when everything is “ready” and “in place” for some stages of life, including divorce.

When I found out I was pregnant for the first time, I was both exhilarated and terrified. How in the world would I ever be “ready” for the financial commitment, the time commitment, the total upheaval we would experience in our lives. Ready or not, our baby arrived. And that baby is about to graduate from college, so I guess I did some things right along the way, even though I didn’t feel 100% “ready” to be a mom.

Being ready is not a prerequisite to taking action. Sure, there are some times when it may be more or less desirable to go through certain transitions. But these life transitions don’t wait for us to “be ready.” We feel like we need the answers to all the questions before we take action.

And yet, all we really need is to be open to the journey.

And we need faith – that in the moment of challenging circumstances, we will look for the opportunity to grow, and that we will find the strength to keep going. Which will help us develop the skills to navigate the rollercoaster ride.

We also need trust – that the advisors and people we are relying on have the expertise and wisdom to guide and support us through this transition will get us to the finish line. Which will give us a new start of our own design.

We need courage – that will help us to navigate the difficult times ahead knowing we have the support of a great team. Which will give us the fortitude to meet future challenges head on.

Our firm has lots of resources and information available to help people “get ready” for divorce. But it’s not necessary for anyone to put off ending a broken marriage because they think they aren’t yet ready. Our team will walk beside you every step of the way, ready or not. It’s what we do.

Life is simply too short to waste time being busy “getting ready” and continue to endure a terrible employer, a mean-spirited friend, or a broken marriage. What transitions have you put on hold, because you are “getting ready…”? What changes are you avoiding, and how do those changes affect your ability to fully live your life? We’d love to hear from you!