Virtual Consultations Available

Navigating Primary Custody in Texas

Confronting the complexities of child custody can seem daunting and emotionally taxing, particularly when your primary concern is the welfare of your child. If you’re a parent in Texas, you may be wrestling with important decisions about securing primary custody, which directly affects where your child lives and the quality of your parent-child relationship. We…

Does springing forward make you grumble?

Springing forward makes me grumble. I would prefer to keep my hour and my extra daylight in the morning. However, it seems that so many others love the longer daylight. While I know I’m not alone in my grumbling (there are others of us out there), I also know that changing times (whether in the…

Learning To Grab Your Joy

February is a fun month in Texas! From freezing temperatures to record breaking highs in the 90s, we never know what to expect. Life is like that, too. You think you know what to expect in this season of life, but then, out of the blue something happens – a cancer diagnosis, an accident, a…