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Adele’s Divorce Album Resonates with Many

Dallas divorce attorney, Jennifer Hargrave was interviewed by Jenny Anchondo on Dallas CW33’s ‘Morning After’. The topic under discussion was how one can have a positive divorce. The interview kicked off with a musical snippet from Adele’s latest hit, Easy On Me.    “It’s common knowledge that the song is from Adele’s ‘divorce album’” Jenny commented…

Have a Collaborative Divorce You Can Be Proud Of

There’s no doubt that the pain of a divorce is hard; ending a relationship, breaking up a family, and building a new life are surely enough to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Traditional divorce practices can leave bitterness lingering for years, making the healing process drag out that much longer. In recent years…

Why Choose a Collaborative Divorce?

There’s no doubt that the pain of a divorce is hard; ending a relationship, breaking up a family, and building a new life are surely enough to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Traditional divorce practices can leave bitterness lingering for years, making the healing process drag out that much longer. Over the past…