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Jennifer Hargrave discuses Financial Infidelity on 1040 WHO Des Moines

What happens when someone frugal marries a big spender? How would you talk to your significant other about their spending habits? Theres a lot of different triggers that can lead to a break down in communication and money is often one of those. Check out the recent conversation Jennifer Hargrave had regarding loved one’s keeping…

Should You Seek Ownership of the Family Home in a Divorce?

After years of living in the same home and growing accustomed to your surroundings within the community, the thought of parting with a home during divorce may seem daunting. While you might be perfectly content with staying in the home, some circumstances in life may leave you facing a difficult decision. Should you and your…

What happens to your retirement accounts after a divorce?

Divorce and Retirement Accounts Divorce carries the potential for profound life-altering effects, especially concerning finances and retirement preparations. Saving diligently and aiming for a secure future becomes a priority as you envision a comfortable life ahead. However, life’s twists and turns can be unpredictable, and the person you once imagined spending your golden years with…

Divorce and Finances – What to know in 2023

The Big Questions about Money and Divorce Even in the most favorable circumstances, certain aspects of your divorce process are likely to be challenging; you are coping with a transition at the same time you are experiencing a legal ordeal. For better or worse, divorce is as much a disentanglement of an emotional relationship as…